Adoplh Witzel

Hi! I am back again for introduce you some expert in my field, dentistry. This character along with others great scientists help to make the dentist as we know it today.

This person is Adolph Witzel (1847 – 1906), A German dentist who is recognizing like a specialist in dental health.
Adolph was born in Langensalza in 1847, he came as the older brother from a family of 11 children. He study in the University of Berlin (1866). After graduated, Adolph was the first scientist that discovered the origin of periodontal diseases - the bacteria -  and he is considered a pioneer of the dental education in Germany.
After that, Adolph was dedicated in development therapies for preserve the teeth and apply the restorative therapy with amalgam. This type of therapy has a long durability and it is cheaper than others therapy so, we keep using it until these days.
I like this German scientific because was an important character for the development of prevention periodontal diseases which are the most frequent cause for the teeth extractions in patients elder than 35.

A.Witzel (1847-1906)


  1. Oh he is a so important person on periodontal disease!

  2. wow ! I didn´t know him, but now I know him. And he is very important .

  3. I did not know him, very good your blog:)

  4. I also didn't known him, but now I know is such and important guy for odontology.


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