With all the beautiful places that we have here on earth, Alaska is the one that like the most, the why I like it this much, is because the influence of my dad. He always tell me how he wants to fulfill his desire of fishing on ice, we even make a promise to go together.

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Alaska worth the visit, all the surroundings are involved with nature and the impressive glaciers, here are a number of roadside glaciers that can be easily accessed by visitors. These include Byron Glacier, Matanuska Glacier, Mendenhall Glacier, Exit Glacier and many more. If you go in August or in April, in the night or the dawn, you would see the Northern Lights.
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If I have the opportunity to go, I would do it in summer, where the weather isn´t too cold and you can see how the day time is longer than the day time we have here. In my future plans, I never thought about living in Alaska because the extreme weather on winter months, it´s like live in the scenarios of games of thrones, that’s too cold for me.

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See you on my next blog. :)


  1. I think the Northern Lights are impressive. I´d love to go see it with my own eyes.

  2. I think the same as Alex. It would be great to see the Northern Lights with my own eyes.

  3. I guess that the plasma element is envolved in this famous Northern Lights, they are so beautiful!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I loved the dream that you shared with your father. And i obviously would love to see the aurora borea by myself


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