In my 8th grade of school I meet for the first time with my teacher Vicente Jelves, he was my teacher of history on school.

My school “Colegio Mar Abierto” was one with just a few students, the bigger class had no more than 30 students, so all of us know each other and the rumors spread faster than you think, and the rumors of the teacher Vicente were scary, they say that he was pretty intimidating, if you even think on rise your voice in the class, means that you lost the opportunity to have a good semester in history.

In my first day with him, I was so nervous because he came with an attitude of someone very strict, I also thought that he never smile, something weird coming from our school teachers because all the students and the teacher team had the feeling like we were a family, but passing the weeks we learn how kind he is, from him I learned how significant the history is and how integrate the learned in the past years, making a cover for our notebook every year. 

A thing that I never forget is his passion in classes, his bad drawings and the phrase he always repeat you will never change the future if you don’t learn from the past”.

My teacher Vicente was an average person he have the standard height for a Chilean, black hair and he always use his favorite green sweater. He is someone who really likes the color green because he is a real fan of the football team the “ Santiago Wanders”.

Resultado de imagen para wanderers


  1. The teachers that look intimidating generally are the very good persons

  2. Maybe its something from history teacher, cause mine looked very intimidating as well (◑_◑)

  3. Teachers with conviction and passion always get a place inside us.


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